Bank Cyber Attacks

At such times, the organization must take the necessary steps without delay. When this happens, catering to the incoming requests becomes overwhelming for the servers, resulting in the website it hosts either shut down or slow down. Use an Intrusion detection system, as they design it to detect unauthorized access to a network. This results in the attacker being able to view, edit, and delete tables in the databases. Update your passwords; this will limit your exposure to a password attack. Just a reminder that this is not an exhaustive list and that the OWASP Top-10 list should be read as well.

A Trojan horse attack uses a malicious program that is hidden inside a seemingly legitimate one. When the user executes the presumably innocent program, the malware inside the Trojan can be used to open a backdoor into the system through which hackers can penetrate the computer or network. This threat gets its name from the story of the Greek soldiers who hid inside a horse to infiltrate the city of Troy and win the war.

This makes it impossible for the site to serve users as it normally does and often results in a complete shutdown of the site. Hybrid work puts corporate data at risk as employees use various devices to access company resources. Learn about cross-site scripting attacks which allow hackers to inject malicious code into visitor browsers. Runtime Application Self-Protection – Real-time attack detection and prevention from your application runtime environment goes wherever your applications go. Stop external attacks and injections and reduce your vulnerability backlog.

In the U.S. alone, the average daily volume of transactions hit $3 trillion and 99% of it is non-cash flow. To be able to disrupt that amount of money for one day or for a period of days can cause lasting damage making investors pull out of funding and erode public confidence. A cyberattack against the United Nations occurred in April 2021, targeting users within the UN network to further long-term intelligence gathering. The hacker was able to access their networks through stolen user credentials Cyber purchased on the dark web.

The majority of the customers targeted were U.S. based, working for IT companies or the government. The U.S. Department of Justice charged four Russian government employees involved in hacking campaigns that took place between 2012 and 2018. The hacks targeted critical infrastructure companies and organizations largely in the energy sector. The hackers sought to install backdoors and deploy malware in the operational technology of their targets.

Likewise, the personally motivated, such as disgruntled current or former employees, will take money, data or a mere chance to disrupt a company's system. Socio-political motivated attackers seek attention for their causes. As a result, they make their attacks known to the public—also known as hacktivism.

A VPN delivers a secure connection to another network over the Internet. The access is gained by infecting a website or manipulating the victim to click on a malicious link. Victims are unaware of this as the Crypto mining code works in the background; a delay in the execution is the only sign they might witness. It is also known as a DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attack when attackers use multiple compromised systems to launch this attack. Avast Antivirus, Norton Antivirus, and McAfee Antivirus are a few of the popular antivirus software. Use multi-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access to your network.

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